La polvere della foresta


“La polvere della foresta” is a work documenting the social and cultural situation in Benin. The figure of women remains central through Hortance and her daughters. Voodoo is the framework within which the popular beliefs and social context of the place are defeated by the dreams of two girls who face their lives every day, unaware that they are the symbol of change for the entire country. They move forward, like windblown dust, they do not stop before the forest, they go beyond their limits, to conquer a better future.


Printed in 2023 in Italy

Photographs: Davide Bertuccio

Introduction: Chiara Di Giorgio

Short story: Beatrice La Tella

Concept: Davide Bertuccio, Andrea Galbusera

Photo Editing: Laura Davì

Design: Andrea Galbusera

Editorial Coordination: Martina Parolo

Size: 175 x 245 mm

Pages: 110

Papers: inside Arena Ivory 120gr. / cover Sirio color cacao gr. 300

Paperback: Swiss style cover binding

Printing: digital 4+4 / Hot stamping on cover

ISBN 979-12-80653-33-8

Language: Italian

Print run: Limited edition of 100 copies

Price: 40€



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2020 | Il mondo non si è fermato mai un momento by Other Size Gallery – Milano, Italy

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